2018 Community Easter Egg Hunt
It all started around 7:00 am on Saturday, March 31st. After watching the forecast for over a week, we were unsure whether it would rain, snow or be partly cloudy the morning of our Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Thankfully, rain was not projected for any part of the day and it wouldn’t be too chilly. Over 2,000 Easter Eggs had be stuffed the week before, over 1,200 eggs donated from our church members and 800 from the Falmouth Police Department. Needless to say, we would have plenty of eggs for the kids.
We started hammering in the stakes, roping off the four hunting areas: Toddlers (Scooters & Crawlers), Pre-K & K, 1st & 2nd Grade and 3rd & 4th Grade. One all of our Youth students arrived, they started “hiding” the eggs in the various hunting areas. If anyone has hidden eggs, you know how tedious and challenging this can be. Depending on the size and durability of the egg, this can take some time and effort. Once all the eggs were laid, our guests started to arrive. Everyone was directed into the church and encouraged to join us in the Fellowship Hall to start playing game, making crafts and socializing with others. Some of the games included playing Cross Toss, where children tossed an empty, plastic Easter Egg into cups, hoping to land in the white cups (in the form of a cross). Other games included pinning the tail on the Easter Bunny and seeing balloons be morphed into the object of your choosing (we mostly saw flowers, fish and swords).
When everyone arrived, we broke into our four hunting areas, Toddlers were behind the playground, Pre-K & K in the back lawn, 1st & 2nd grade in the front lawn and 3rd & 4th near the Community Garden. Pre-K & K were definitely the largest group. On the count of three, kids started running everywhere searching for the brightly-colored Easter Eggs. It takes a matter of seconds (ok, maybe 3 minutes) for all the Easter Eggs to be scooped up. Amazing! Some kids has basket-fulls, while the little kids were pleased with just a few eggs. Children started emptying their eggs, finding them filled with all their favorite candies! Our Youth Group students (5th grade and up) were responsible for stuffing many of the eggs, so we know those ones were filled to the max!
Some families head out after the hunt, others hang around longer and participate in the other games/activities that we have, including an Egg Obstacle Course and Egg Toss (with hard-boiled eggs)! Phew! Children love balancing an egg on a spoon as they complete the various challenging tasks. Kids also love throwing eggs to their partner, hoping they’ll continue to catch the egg, driving them further and further away, making the throw/catch harder and harder. Once all the eggs have been cracked, the games over.
But that’s not all! We forgot to mention one of the most important parts of the Hunt, our very own Easter Bunny! Our Bunny hopped around taking photos with children and saying hello to all who came. Some children were a little timid around the bunny, some loved the bunny!
This was a perfect way to come together as a community and celebrate Easter! To view more photos of the Easter Egg Hunt, click here.
We hope that the joy found a the Easter Egg Hunt stays with you always. He is Risen!