Weekly Church Update

(Thursday, January 5, 2023- 1:00 pm)

JWUMC Update January 5, 2023

This Sunday is Epiphany
Epiphany is the day Christians remember the coming of the Magi to visit Jesus, bringing their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The word “epiphany,” comes from the Greek word epiphania, and it means appearance or manifestation. The arrival of the Magi was a sign that the incarnation of God in Christ had been made known and was recognized by the heavens to the whole world, so that even Gentile wise men from the East came to pay him homage. 

Storing of the Greens
As the Christmas season ends,  it is time to take down the Christmas decorations and store them for next year. We ask for your help in doing this after worship this Sunday. It would be helpful if you could work in the same area where you put decorations up, but anything you do is most appreciated. Enjoy the fellowship of working together and the satisfaction of a job well done. “Together each accomplishes more”!

Chapel Communion Every Sunday at 9:00am
Every Sunday morning at 9:00am, you are welcome to join us in the chapel for Holy Communion, accompanied by a time of self-reflection. 

Worship service every Sunday at 9:30am
Every Sunday morning at 9:30am, we have our traditional worship service in the sanctuary. This lasts about one hour. As part of our worship, we have special music by one of the choirs, a time of prayer, a couple of congregational hymns, and a message by our pastor. Following the service, everyone is welcome to join us for a time of food and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. 

Altar Flowers We have openings for January 15th and 22nd as well as many available dates in the future. Please sign up on the Flower Chart on the door to the Altar Guild closet in the narthex just outside the sanctuary. 

Falmouth Service Center
We are collecting selected items for the Falmouth Service Center – each month the items in most demand will be posted, and the collection box is in the narthex.  Items requested for the month of January – APPLE JUICE (64 OZ.) -CANNED CHICKEN – PANCAKE MIX – JUICE BOXES-KETCHUP – BABY WIPES – DIAPERS (SIZE 6&1).

Changing the world for January will restore the funds used to purchase items for what we call comfort bags. These bags are available to be given to people in need and contain basic hygiene products, a snack, hat, sox and other items.

Help in difficult times?
Thanks to the generosity of members of this congregation, we have been able to help members and non-members through the pastor’s discretionary fund. If you need help, all requests are discreet and confidential. You can contact Pastor René.

Sunday School
Sunday School for Kindergarten – 4th Graders is during the 9:30 service, after the children’s moment. This week, the children will be learning about the JOY of Jesus! Each week, there are crafts and activities to accompany the Bible Lesson. Nursery Care for the youngest members of John Wesley is also available.

Youth Group
The Middle School Youth Group is on Sunday evenings from 4:00-6:00. High School Youth Group is on Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00. There is an hour overlap for both groups to enjoy dinner and games together. If you are interested in making dinner for the youth group, please click here or see Hannah! There is NO Youth Group January 8th. 

John Wesley Youth Recreation Center
The JWYRC will be open from 12-5 this Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45-5:00 pm and is for 5th-8th graders. We are in need of volunteers to help supervise the youth during this time. It is only a 2 hour commitment each Tuesday and Thursday but how often you help is up to you. If you’re interested in helping out please let Hannah know!