A Special Easter Gift 2024

March 12, 2024

Dear John Wesley Community,

May the joy of resurrection be with each one of you and your families during this promising season of Easter.  I greet you in the name of our Lord and Risen Savior Jesus Christ, who is our source of strength and the hope of new life. 

As we begin to prepare for Easter, at church and especially in our hearts, something in me is also beginning to feel like I am running towards hope. With some of my outside responsibilities beginning to be behind me, and with so many good things we have been planning ahead of us as a church, including a new vision for welcoming new people, a time with Allison, our missionary, and of course, the beautiful days of summer when we get to have a beach service, I am looking forward to spending an Easter full of new possibilities, and I invite you to join me.

I invite you to join me for a Holy Week of heart-wandering reflection and hopeful celebration.  A time when we turn towards God and immerse our hearts in the overwhelming grace of God, shared with us through Jesus. On Palm Sunday, together with his disciples, we will enter Jerusalem with Jesus as he makes his way to the cross. On Thursday, we will gather to share a potluck meal, as we remember the time when Jesus shared his last meal with his beloved companions and friends. On Friday, we will experience the supreme example of love, shown to us through the sacrifice and death of Jesus, who after three days rose again to offer us new life.

On Easter, we will have three worship services and we would love to have you there.

Sunrise Service – Nobska Lighthouse, 6:15am

Traditional Worship – 9:30am

Easter Egg Hunt – 10:30am

Contemporary Worship – 11am

I hope to see you here.


Pastor René