I Support the Girls:
We are continuing to collect lightly used bras and new menstrual hygiene products. Please drop donations in the bin in the fellowship hall. Let’s try to double the amount we brought in last year which was roughly 140 bras! The homeless need our help in a way that they don’t normally get. Dana Marlowe made lifestyle changes and lost a lot of weight. While buying a new wardrobe she asked what she could do with her undergarments and they said homeless women desperately need them. At that moment she decided to make a difference and in just 3 years has collected and distributed over 3,000,000 bras and hygiene products. She has established over 50 affiliates across the U.S. and globally. Their mission is through an international network of affiliates. I Support the Girls collects and distributes essential items, including bras, underwear, and menstrual hygiene products, allowing women experiencing homelessness, impoverishment, or distress to stand tall with dignity.